AMath 585, Winter Quarter 2020 at the University of Washington. Developed by R.J. LeVeque and distributed under the BSD license. You are free to modify and use as you please, with attribution.
These notebooks are all available on Github.
This notebook illustrates how finite difference coefficients can be determined for approximating the $k$th derivative of a function at some point $\bar x$, based on function values at $n$ nearby points, with $n > k$. If the points have uniform spacing $\Delta x$, then the order of accuracy will be ${\cal O}\left((\Delta x)^{n-k}\right)$ in general, but the points need not be equally spaced.
The general idea is to determine the interpolating polynomial of degree $n-1$ and compute the $k$th derivative of this at the specified point.
%matplotlib inline
from pylab import *
from scipy.special import factorial
The simplest way to determine the coefficients is to derive an $n \times n$ linear system of equations involving a Vandermonde matrix, as described in Section 1.5 of [FDM-book], and implemented there as a simple Matlab code (also available as fdcoeffV.m
from the book website). Here is the Python equivalent:
def fdcoeffV(k,xbar,x):
x = array(x) # in case a list or tuple passed in, convert to numpy array
n = len(x)
if k >=n:
raise ValueError('*** len(x) must be larger than k')
A = ones((n,n))
xrow = x - xbar # displacement vector
for i in range(1,n):
A[i,:] = (xrow**i) / factorial(i)
condA = cond(A) # condition number
if condA > 1e8:
print("Warning: condition number of Vandermonde matrix is approximately %.1e" % condA)
b = zeros(x.shape)
b[k] = 1.
c = solve(A,b)
return c
For example, a 3-point centered approximation to the 2nd derivative is computed via:
x = array([-0.1, 0, 0.1])
xbar = 0.
c = fdcoeffV(2,xbar,x)
Since the points are equally spaced with $\Delta x = 0.1$, this gives the expected weights $1/\Delta x^2, ~-2/\Delta x^2,~ 1/\Delta x^2.$
If you want to compute the weights in general, we can choose $\Delta x = 1$ and then no te that any second-derivative difference approximation will have $\Delta x^2$ in the denominator. In the function below this is made more general, to work for any order $k$ derivative, but assuming equally spaced points.
def fdstencil(k, jbar, stencil_points):
Compute and print the finite difference stencil for an order k derivative
using at least k+1 equally spaced points.
The stencil_points are thus assumed to be integers (indices of stencil points)
as is jbar, the index at which the approximation is to be used.
For example, the standard second order stencil for u''(x_0)
can be printed via
fdstencil(2, 0, [-1,0,1])
assert type(jbar) is int, '*** jbar should be an integer'
stencil_pts = array(stencil_points)
assert stencil_pts.dtype == int, '*** stencil_points should be integers'
c = fdcoeffV(k, jbar, stencil_pts)
print("Stencil for approximation to order %s derivative at U_{%s} is:" \
% (str(k), str(jbar)))
coeffs = ['%s / h^2' % str(cj) for cj in c]
s = '['
for j in range(len(c)):
subj = str(stencil_pts[j])
cj = c[j]
sj = '%g U_{%s}' % (abs(cj), stencil_pts[j])
if cj >= 0:
s = s + ' + ' + sj
s = s + ' - ' + sj
s = s + '] / h^%i' % k
return c
fdstencil(2, 0, [-1,0,1])
A 5-point centered approximation to the 2nd derivative would be:
x = linspace(-0.2,0.2,5)
xbar = 0.
c = fdcoeffV(2,xbar,x)
fdstencil(2, 0, [-2,-1,0,1,2])
The Vandermonde matrix works fine for small stencils, but if you increase $n$ significantly (as might be done in a spectral method, for example), then the severe ill-conditioning of the Vandermonde matrix can lead to problems. Even with only $n=11$ the condition number for the 2nd derivative is greater than $10^{13}$ and few digits in the coefficients can be trusted (although in fact they are still quite accurate):
x = linspace(-0.5,0.5,11)
xbar = 0.
c = fdcoeffV(2,xbar,x)
A more stable approach was introduced by B. Fornberg in
and explained in these classroom notes,
This approach is implemented in Matlab in the file fdcoeffF.m
available from the website [FDM-book].
A Python version is below. This is based directly on the Fortran code in the SIAM Review paper listed above (which uses 0-based indexing, like Python, whereas the Matlab code is 1-based).
Note: Forberg's algorithm can be used to simultaneously compute the coefficients for derivatives of order 0, 1, ..., m
where m <= n-1
. This gives a coefficient matrix C(1:n,1:m)
whose k'th column gives the coefficients for the k'th derivative.
In the version below we set m=k
and only compute the coefficients for derivatives of order up to order k, and then return only the k'th column of the resulting C
matrix (converted to a row vector). This routine is then compatible with fdcoeffV
defined above. If the optional argument fullC
is True
then the full matrix of coefficients for derivatives of all orders up to n-1
will be returned.
def fdcoeffF(k, xbar, x, fullC=False):
n = len(x) - 1
if k > n:
raise ValueError('*** len(x) must be larger than k')
m = k # for consistency with Fornberg's notation
c1 = 1.
c4 = x[0] - xbar
C = zeros((n+1,m+1))
C[0,0] = 1.
for i in range(1,n+1):
mn = min(i,m)
c2 = 1.
c5 = c4
c4 = x[i] - xbar
for j in range(i):
c3 = x[i] - x[j]
c2 = c2*c3
if j==i-1:
for s in range(mn,0,-1):
C[i,s] = c1*(s*C[i-1,s-1] - c5*C[i-1,s])/c2
C[i,0] = -c1*c5*C[i-1,0]/c2
for s in range(mn,0,-1):
C[j,s] = (c4*C[j,s] - s*C[j,s-1])/c3
C[j,0] = c4*C[j,0]/c3
c1 = c2
if fullC:
return C
c = C[:,-1] # last column of C
return c
Confirm it gives the same results as fdcoeffV
for a small example:
x = linspace(-0.2,0.2,5)
xbar = 0.
cF = fdcoeffF(2,xbar,x)
print('Coefficients computed with fdcoeffF: \n', cF)
cV = fdcoeffV(2,xbar,x)
print('Coefficients computed with fdcoeffV: \n', cV)
Even with 11 points the results agree to all digits printed, but with 19 points the conditioning of the Vandermonde matrix results in somewhat different coefficients:
x = linspace(-0.9,0.9,19)
xbar = 0.
cF = fdcoeffF(2,xbar,x)
print('Coefficients computed with fdcoeffF: \n', cF)
cV = fdcoeffV(2,xbar,x)
print('Coefficients computed with fdcoeffV: \n', cV)
Here's an example where we use Fornberg's algorithm to compute the coefficients for the first 3 derivatives based on 5 values:
x = linspace(-0.2,0.2,5)
xbar = 0.
CF = fdcoeffF(2,xbar,x,True)
print('Coefficients for function value: \n', CF[:,0])
print('Coefficients for first derivative: \n', CF[:,1])
print('Coefficients for second derivative: \n', CF[:,2])